Saturday, May 29, 2010
Bersyukur lah Dengan Ape Yang Ade ^^ ..... Ameen
Nampak? Kita rasa gaji kita sikit, tapi ada orang yang gaji jauh lebih rendah dari kita. Depa pun dok pikir, alangkah syoknya kalau gaji depa sebanyak gaji kita. Kita rasa kereta kita buruk, slow, tak canggih dsbnya. Tapi orang lain, berhujan berpanas hari-hari pergi kerja. Kalau ada berkereta pun cukup syarat sebagai satu keperluan sahaja. Orang naik moto (dengan andaian dia takdak kereta) mengharap pakai kereta macam kita, yang kita dok mengharap pakai kereta lagi mewah dari apa yang kita ada.
Kita memang dituntut untuk mencapai sesuatu yang lebih baik dari apa yang kita ada pada hari ini. Itu aku tak nafikan. Tapi dalam kita dok mengejar sesuatu yang lebih baik, sekurang-kurangnya kita bersyukur dengan apa yang kita ada sekarang. Jangan kufur nikmat. Biar makanan tak sedap, sekurang-kurangnya kita ada makanan nak dimakan. Biar rumah kita kecik dari kita kena tidor bawah jambatan. Biar tidak berpangkat dari kita takdak kerja langsung.
Nak tak nak kita kena bersyukur dengan pekerjaan, kenderaan, sahabat, suami, isteri, keluarga, kehidupan dll yang kita ada sekarang ini. Kemudian kalau tak puas hati kita improve kepada keadaan/perkara yang lebih baik. kita perelokkan apa yang kurang. Bukan semua yang kita nak kita boleh dapat time-time tu jugak. Ada improvement yang kena ambil masa yang panjang dan memerlukan kesabaran yang tinggi.Kejayaan orang lain, kita jadikan pedoman untuk kita tingkatkan prestasi kehidupan. Pada waktu yang sama kita sedar yang kita sebenarnya jauh lebih bernasib baik dari orang yang dibawah kita.
Tuhan tu adil. Dia tak bagi semua apa yang kita mintak. Kadang-kadang yang kita tak mintak Dia bagi. He knows best for us. Kita ni kalau marah, sumpah orang macam-macam. Cuba kalau apa yang kita mintak tu time2 tu jugak jadi??? ha, tak ke haru-biru dunia. Semua orang mintak kaya jadi kaya, sapa pulak nak kerja tukang pungut sampah or kerja2 lain yang bergaji rendah. Dia dah susun cantik dah seluruh kehidupan manusia.
Terlalu memandang apa yang kita tidak ada adalah lumrah manusia biasa yang selalu terlupa dengan apa yang dia ada. Selalu memandang pada satu pintu yang tertutup sedangkan banyak lagi pintu hikmah yang terbuka. Selalu rasa tuhan tidak adil kepada kita sedangkan kitalah yang selalu menzalimi diri sendiri.
Kalau kita ni reti bersyukur, secara automatiknya kita akan appreciate dengan apa yang kita ada. InsyaAllah kita tidak akan rasa bongkak, tinggi diri, dengki, irihati dan sakit menyakiti sesama manusia. Apa yang orang lain dapat adalah selayaknya dengan usaha dia. Tuhan bagi apa yang terdaya dia terima pada masa dan waktu itu. Bagi kita, jaga apa yang sedia ada, bantu mereka yang tiada, usaha capai sesuatu yang lebih baik dari apa yang kita ada sekarang ni. Jangan dok dengki dengan pencapaian orang lain kalau kita sendiri malas nak usaha. Kalau kawan-kawan berjaya, mai kita pakat-pakat support.
Bak kata plato ” elok individu, eloklah masyarakat, elok masyarakat eloklah negara”. Apa-apa pun bermula dengan diri kita sendiri. Tinggal mau dengan tak mau saja. Tinggal nak jadi orang baik atau tetap nak jadi manusia durjana. Mai kita sama-sama berdoa moga-moga hati kita dipelihara dari sifat tidak tahu/mahu bersyukur.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Tips Utk Bercouple........Bercinta.........
sni ade beberape tips utk bercouple spy x terpesong n terjerebak dgn perbuatan ZINA.....
1. Janganlah kau membiarkan kemanisan bercinta dihirup sebelum engkau berkahwin dengan 'si dia'.
2. Bercintalah kau dengan nya dengan sekadarnya. Kelak mungkin 'si dia' mungkin bukan jodoh untukmu.
3. Jika kau ingin berbahagia seumur hidup, tahanlah dirimu untuk berbahagia sebelum kau berhak menjadi milik 'si dia'.
4. Jika engkau menyintainya, binalah asas perkahwinan dengan tidak melaggar syariatNYA.
5. Kebahagiaan yang kau lihat sebelum berkahwin hanya palsu, yang hakikinya adalah selepas kau diijabkabulkan.
6. Jikalau engkau inginkan pasangan hidupmu yang terbaik untukmu, maka engkaulah yang patut menjadi yang terbaik dahulu.
7. Membina keserasian sebelum berkahwin bukanlah dengan cara ber'dating', cukuplah sekadar engkau tahu apa yang perlu kau tahu.
8. Bercintalah untuk mencapai cintaNYA.
9. Jika engkau masih belum bercinta, tahanlah dirimu untuk bercinta sehingga yakin cinta tersebut membawamu ke gerbang perkahwinan.
10. Jangan biarkan nafsumu dengan cinta yang tidak diterima disisi ALLAH, kelak ALLAH akan tarik kebahagian darimu.
moga2 cinta itu xdak menjd zina... amin
a nice jokes... XD
- Unfortunately, I have a very bad news for you. You are going to die and you don’t have enough time to live.
- OMG!!! W much time do I have left?!
- Ten, says the doctor.
- Ten what? Months, weeks, days? Tell me!?
- Nine, eight, seven...
haha..... i think u know how much time did d patient have now..... hehe ^^
Thursday, May 20, 2010
How to SMILE.... ^^
Do u smile today....????
i've got some few tips on how to smile.........
smile should not be like this,
it should be like this
a big smile from deep of ur heart..... deep deep deep from ur heart......
approximately 10 out of 10,000 people do smile from their heart...... how bout u..???? did u smile an angel or a devil...???
here is some few steps for u learn how to SMILE.... ^^
first is practice a good hygiene...If u've got bits of food stuck in ur teeth, people might point it out to u and u might get embarrassed. People may indeed say u have an infectious smile, but they might be talking bout actual infections. It should go without saying, but regularly brushing ur teeth and making sure ur breath is fresh and teeth r unstained is a good idea. When u smile people will inevitably look at ur mouth, so following these considerations will help you make a better impression, and, more importantly, a healthy mouth will make you feel more confident about smiling.
the second is Get comfortable with smiling. Many people are a little nervous about smiling. They don't think their smile looks good, or they think that smiling makes them look unprofessional or vulnerable. It's true that a smile does show a little vulnerability, but that's part of what makes it so powerful. No matter how professional, intelligent, or in control you think a serious face (or worse, a frown) makes you appear, people almost always respond better to a smile.
next is Think happy thoughts. The easiest way to a great smile is to be happy. You can be happy all the time, but not everybody is; when you are not, you can think happy thoughts instead. Think about something or someone that you care about, or think about a joke that you just find hilarious. Remarkably, when you're feeling down, smiling can help cheer you up, even if you have to coax a smile out at first. remember that a smiles are contagious... ^^
the 4th steps is Smile with your eyes. When we think of smiling, we think of the mouth, but the eyes may actually be more essential to a warm, genuine smile. Smiling with your eyes is difficult to describe--in general your cheekboneslift slightly and your eyebrows dip a little--but when you see it, you know it: it's that look of your eyes "lighting up" or "twinkling." To get a feel for how to make your eyes smile, get in front of a mirrorand practice smiling, but concentrate only on your eyes. You may find it helpful to cover the lower part of your face with a piece of paper. Play around with it a bit, and you'll find that you can make your mouth smile when your eyes aren't smiling, and you can also smile only with your eyes. When your eyes do smile, remember how it feels, which muscles are working and how. With practice, you'll be able to smile with your eyes at will.
the fifth steps is Develop your smile. Don't particularly care for your smile? It's a common complaint, and while it's true that any smile is better than a frown, it's also true that some smiles look better than others. What's your best smile? One way to find out is to look through pictures of yourself. Many people who consider themselves unphotogenic are plagued by bad smiles in front of the camera, but just about everybody has at least one picture in which they just look great, with a perfectly natural, contagious smile. Find that picture and focus on what your face is doing. Then practice in front of a mirror until you get it just right. Keep practicing, and pay attention to how that great smile feels, so that you'll be able to replicate it without looking in a mirror. Soon it will become second nature, and you'll likely find that you'll look more photogenic in your next batch of pictures.
the last steps is If you want to improve your smile, look at pictures of smiles that you believe are beautiful. Also, think good thoughts and remember that you are beautiful (inside and out). Your smile is bound to look better if you feel good about yourself!
there u go.... now... everyone can have a big smile.... ^^
DO U...????
Friday, May 14, 2010
Is nothing but a LIFE
The most valuable thing in this world
It can make you pain
It can make you happy
Depends on how you know the MEANING of LIFE
As sweet as candy
As bitter as bile salts
As spicy as chilies
As sour as plum
As salty as NaCl
If one of these is missing
Do find it
Or else , your life is TASTELESS
Is depends on loves
Depends on cares
Depends on friends
Depends on families
Depends on yourself
because there is no man can live ALONE without light beside him
Linked today by a fine tiny thread
That making your life becomes interesting
Leaving the history in each and everyone's heart and soul
Leaving a memory for others to re-call
Doesn't mean it is strong or weak
But it's mean nothing
Only a soul with a body it is
The things that people afraid of losing it
Once it is, you will ever regret to it
Be sure that you holding it each times your heart beating
Till the end of your life
Till you brain is DEATH
and the graves suit you well
Be appreciate it
Nothing else but a life
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Fi you can raed this,you have a sgtrane mind too.cna you raed this?Olny 55 plepoe can.
i cdnuolt blveiee that I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd what I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the human mind,aoccdrnig to a rseheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno’t mtaetr in what oerdr the ltteres in a word are, the only iproamtnt thing is that the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can still raed it whotuit a pboerlm.Tihs is bcuseae the human mind deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the word as a wlohe.Azanming huh?yaeh and I awlyas
tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! If you can raed this forward it.
Maya Athirah Bt Yahaya